Water Protection

It is not if you will have a leak, but when!

Do I Need Water Protection and what is the WaterCop?

Do I need Water Protection?

Each year in the United States some 8 million homeowners will replace a leaking water heater. Another 2.5 million homeowners will experience other types of plumbing failures such as frozen pipes, leaking supply valves, etc.. Water damage costs insurance companies more than 10 billion dollars per year in residential claims. Although insurance covers some of the cost, it still costs homeowners thousands of dollars in repair cost and insurance deductibles. Not to mention the loss of irreplaceable items and the frustration of having your home in disarray.

I speak from the experience of having two different water damage events - a failed water heater and a frozen pipe which resulted in my home being under construction for more than 3 months. I wish I would have had one of these systems installed prior to both events.

What is WaterCop?

The WaterCop system is a whole-house leak detection and water shut-off system. It was designed to protect homes against many types of plumbing leaks, saving homeowners from expensive and inconvenient property damage.

WaterCop offers homeowners many benefits:

      • Added property protection
      • Potential insurance savings (check with your agent)
      • Integration to security and automation systems
      • 24 hour a day protection while home or away
      • Peace of Mind

The WaterCop automatic shut-off valve installs on the main water line near the existing manual shut-off valve. WaterCop flood sensors install near water using appliances and in rooms where running water is present. When leaking water comes in contact with any of the sensors, a wireless signal is immediately broadcast to the WaterCop main valve causing the valve to close. Water flow is quickly cut-off to all areas of the home and any continuous flooding is stopped.

WaterCop offers additional options including:

      • A wall switch for push-button main water control
      • Freeze sensors to further protect against frozen pipes
      • Range extending wireless repeaters

Flood damage and losses related to plumbing problems can lead to higher home insurance costs and possibly the loss of affordable coverage altogether. The WaterCop system, when properly installed and maintained offers a proven method to effectively reduce the chance of catastrophic plumbing related flooding

WaterCop is ideal protection for:

      • Single and Multi-Family Residences
      • Vacation Homes
      • Rental Property
      • Senior Living Homes and Centers
      • Office Buildings
      • Condominiums
      • Where ever leaks can occur


Services We Offer!

We sell and install the WaterCop water protection systems. We can integrate the WaterCop into your existing security system or include it in our own home automation solution. If you are just looking to purchase the components to install yourself, click on the contact link and let us know what you would like to order. We will send you a quotation as quickly as possible.

We can install a whole house protection system with wireless sensors at all potential leak sources and install a master control valve on the main water supply of your home. This option provides a complete protection package, safe-guarding your home and other property.

If your primary concern is in protecting against a water heater leak, we can install a "Stop Leak" version that mounts directly above your water heater. This option only covers the water heater and the nearby area, at a significantly lower cost.


Let us help protect your home from costly water damage before it happens! <CONTACT PAGE>